This blog is dedicated for my special interest in preserving the authentic Indonesian recipes. Thanks Mom for being such an inspiration in my culinary skills. I will never learn enough from you.....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Chilli Paste...

Finally my supply of Chilli paste ran out !

We like our homemade Chilli paste. It goes well with Fried Beehoon, Fried Noodles, Chic Nuggets and even as ingredients for other dishes. It has simple sweet, hot and no-frills taste. I always make it in a big pot and keep it in few small containers in the freezer. It will last for 2 months in normal days (when we don't eat too much fried food :). Although it is quite troublesome to make it, I think it's worth the effort ! The chilli paste available in markets is normally either too salty or it has 'funny' smell...

Last week I have bought all the ingredients to make chilli paste... and it takes me a few days before I started to wash the chillies, grind it with other species and finally cook it for an hour. My hubby offered himself to help me to cook the grinded chillies. He stirred the chilli paste for almost an hour that night... the smoke was so hot that we needed to open the windows wider so that the smell won't disturb my daughters who were in the living room watching TV. Well.. this is the constraint when you stay in apartment... you have to be smart to direct the chilli smell to your windows...hahahah

Voila... this is the chilli paste and it's cooked !

Life would be different without Chilli... don't you think so, my friend ?

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