This blog is dedicated for my special interest in preserving the authentic Indonesian recipes. Thanks Mom for being such an inspiration in my culinary skills. I will never learn enough from you.....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Weekend Menu - Sep 2010

This weekend, I decided to cook Chicken curry with Fried Bee Hoon. In Singapore, it is common to eat Chicken Curry with Fried Bee Hoon or French loaf. I guess Bee Hoon and French loaf absorb the curry gravy well. Curry is originally from India cuisine and it has travel so many miles that the taste has to been adjusted to local taste bud. Just like curry in Singapore, there are lot of versions.... real Indian curry with the curry powdery taste, Malay curry and Chinese curry with the least curry flavour.

My Chicken curry is a Peranakan chinese style, I guess. The gravy is thicker than Chinese curry and it has more texture in it, perhaps I add lot of grinded spices. I also add bean curd skin in the curry as it blends well with chicken, potatoes. Hm.... so savoury !

We spend most of the time at home during weekends. Reason no. 1 : We don't know where to go and we hate crowded places but unfortunately Singapore population has reach 5 millions, so everybody is trying to squeeze themselves in the small holes. Reason no. 2 : My gals need to do their homeworks. Well done Minister of Education... you have successfully encouraging family to be busier even on weekends. Reason no. 3 : We are just to lazy to go under hot weather... Enough complaining, let's get back to Curry :)

So... nothing better than enjoying your favourite food at your own comfort home !

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